Archive of posts with category '240z'

This 240z gets around

Apparently that’s the word on the 240z. I sold it in January 2010 (or somewhere close to there) and since then it has apparently changed owners twice (possibly more).

The 240z Lives! and it looks great!

So it’s been a while since I’ve blogged here on, reason being that I sold the car quite a while ago. Back this summer I got an email from...

Project240z Lives Again

Yes, it’s true folks, the Project240z lives again! Check out the latest incarnation!

Saying Goodbye

(Idea blatantly stolen from James Nelson’s Saying Goodbye post)

Tis sold

So this won’t be the final post here on, but we are likely coming close to the end. This weekend the car sold, an airman from the local Air...

1973 Datsun 240z For Sale


For sale again?

For any of you who follow the website regularly you’ll notice that I haven’t “put” the car and website up for a sale in a while. Well, it’s your lucky...

No seats! and check out our sister site

So I don’t know why I didn’t think of this a month ago, would have saved me some money on shipping, but the Corbeau A4s for the 240z are sold....

Megasquirt woes, too much fuel?

So I will start this post off staying this: I know nothing, I am a noob when it comes to the megasquirt, and tuning a fuel injection car (or a...

Back in action in the garage! First video from Colorado

So it’s been a while since I actually created a video of working on the car, that’s not to say I haven’t worked on the car, I ripped the dash...

Fuse block/panel acquired

So I have been delaying wiring up the car a bit, partially because I don’t understand it all, and partially because I am afraid! I’m a computer geek, but not...

Yet another domain name, look out is coming!

So for a month or so I’ve been waiting for to go through the expiration process as the previous owner decided to let it expire. Well today it finally...

Labor Day weekend and working on the 240z

So the Labor Day holiday weekend is coming up, and my brother is coming to town. I’m planning on putting him to work on the car. I’m not sure what...

Organizing the garage, and guess what I found?

So we’ve barely been in the house three weeks and I already lost and found something! So in my last blog post I complained that I thought I left the...

Out goes the dash

So tonight after work I got the 240Z off the trailer, both of which had been parked in the Garage since we moved to Colorado a few weeks ago. I...

240Z update for August

So I didn’t actually get anything physically done on the 240Z this weekend, but I did manage to get $40 worth of light bulbs and fuses for the car. I...

Two years ago

Two years ago today was the day that the Datsun toasted Motor #1 on it’s first autocross run! Here’s a shot of that first competition run.

Car is loaded for Colorado

So I loaded the car up on the trailer tonight after work (well, between work actually). I’m going to take it to a buddy’s shop for a few days as...

Packing the garage, driving the car

So today was spent packing the garage. While getting things packed up made it a productive day, the real joy was with the car. I drove it today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has...

Steering Column for a 73 240Z

So just an FYI so others don’t waste money like I did. The steering column off a 1978 280Z will NOT fit on a 1973 240Z. I contacted the ebay...

Prepping the car for the move, putting the suspension back together

Tonight I came home and started putting the suspension back together. Fortunately I hadn’t gotten too far with taking it apart, so I didn’t have too much to put back...

Back on the wagon

So I finally got some more time on the Datsun over the past few days. Friday I went down to my boss’ house and used his bead blaster to clean...

Power washing the second suspension

We got back from Colorado on Saturday night. Sunday afternoon I was out in the driveway power washing the extra suspension for the 240z. I got quite a bit done,...

Starting on the suspension

With the success last night I decided I had to work on the car this evening a bit. The first thing I did was get it up on all four...

It runs, twice and there's audio/video proof!

So tonight after work I came home to get the starter out of the car and took it back to Autozone, fortunately the lifetime warranty was honored! Though I did...

A little success, found 1 of 3 missing screws, AND the car started, twice!

So last night after work I came home with the intention of trying to figure out why the car wouldn’t start. My intentions were to check the positioning of the...

Another night with not much success!

So tonight I came home from work and decided it was time to work on the Datsun a bit, after over a week of barely even looking at it when...

Starter? Who needs a starter?

Well it did run for about 10 seconds on Saturday, then I redid the wire for the VR sensor and created some problems. So I redid the wiring tonight, and...

Working on the car on a Sunday

Working on the car today. Rewired the VR sensor and installed the radiator. Worked on front air dam, and put the exhaust on. Tried to start it, need to rewire...

It runs again!

So today we had a garage sale, nothing that resides in the garage was actually sold, but we did sell a lot of stuff that we wanted to get rid...

Updates from the weekend

So I spoke with my Megasquirt Guru last week a few times, and again this weekend, and even had him show up in my driveway to help wrench on the...

Wiring up the engine and attempting to start

I spent the morning with Dave and Terec helping to finish buttoning up items on the 240Z so we could attempt to start it today. We were successful in getting...

Working on the 240Z on a weeknight?

I can’t say I’ve really put any effort into the Datsun on a weeknight in probably the past 20-22 months, tonight I spent a couple of hours in the garage...

Ahhhh the engine is in place again!

A HUGE thanks to Terec for coming over today and helping me with the car. We spent a couple hours this morning and were able to get the engine and...

Final Prep for Engine Installation

So I had hoped to get the engine installed into the car today but got sidetracked trying to get a final few items finished up before doing so.

Getting the engine ready to put back in the car

So I spent most of the day today in the garage, the first time I’ve done that in probably 20 months, it was nice! Thanks to Dave for coming over...

Removing the tail lights

After class tonight I spent 30 minutes working on the Datsun. I removed the taillights, which I’d not done before. I was pleasantly surprised as I didn’t find any rust.Here...

Cleaning off the car and workbench, working on throttle body

Spent an hour or two yesterday, working in the garage. Cleaned off the hood of the car, which was buried. After that I spent some time cleaning off the workbench,...

Prepping for reassembly

So I had “lost” some bolts for the intake, I found them last week. Today I think I figured out I hadn’t lost them, I just didn’t realize they were...

Site Redesign

So I should have been working on the book tonight, and I did get some done, but I took the evening to finally reskin

I'm selling it, I'm not selling it, I'm selling it, I'm not selling it?

I don’t know what I’m doing with the Datsun just yet. I should sell it, but I couldn’t sleep the other night because I was thinking about what fun it...

It's for sale again

So this time, I think, I am serious about selling the Datsun. With moving sometime in the next 5-6 months I need to start preparing for the move, and with...

Progress on the 240Z? Yeah, right....

Not much progress has been made on the car lately. Since I lasted work on the car I’ve been pretty much working on work and school stuff non stop, no...

Some see letter, others see car

What do I see? Maybe the car I will be driving in 2010?

A slow Sunday, more cleaning on the motor.

So I woke up this morning, earlier than yesterday, but still not as early as one would have liked. First things first I ran to Radio Shack to get an...

Little progress, little time!

So my weekend of working on the 240Z started off quite slowly today. I ended up sleeping until almost noon this morning, it was nice to catch up on some...

Fall 2008 It begins again

So it’s been a while since I’ve made any real progress on the 240Z, but come the end of October I hope my weekends will finally slow down enough that...

New Project240Z Video

Yesterday I spent an hour or so working on the motor in the garage. I only got one thing finished, and hopefully it is finished and doesn’t need to come...

Working on the motor again

Tonight I spent some good time working on the motor for the 240Z again. Here’s the YouTube video!

The Return

The car is finally back home, within reach of me actually working on it and hopefully getting it running in the next few weeks.

Project240Z Videos, she's back!!!!

So it has been a while since I’ve posted any P240Z videos, too long in fact. Well here are two, one that i failed to post back in March, and...

Trailer is ready to go

So I picked up the trailer this evening, here’s to hoping the tires have air in them tomorrow so I can bring the car home! Nick is supposed to be...

The 240Z, August 2008

August 2008, that is the month that the 240Z will come home. Oh yes, it will come home, and hopefully it will run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flywheel thanks

While in Atlanta for the National Tour Carter Thompson brought me a gift. He had a lightened flywheel from his 240Z that he had been telling me about for the...

Cherry 240Z in Manchester Tennessee

So I’m stopped in Manchester Tennessee tonight on my way home and to Lynchburg tomorrow. I went out to check on the car out in the parking lot and saw...

240Z Status

Alright, here’s my goal, and I’m stating it here so I can hopefully hold myself accountable.

Paint and Assembly, working on the new motor

Last Week’s Progress with Dad and Today’s Motor Work

Into the motor we go

So my parents are in town for a few days. Dad and I spent some time working on the motor for the 240Z today. I’ll try to take some pictures...

Datsun 240z 280Z L28E parts on Ebay!

So I took some time this evening to put parts up on Ebay. You can see them all by looking at my items for sale page!

Random emails

I get some of the most random emails from this website.

Taking apart the new motor

So Nick came over this morning and helped me get the motor off the ground and onto the engine stand so I could begin tearing it apart. After breaking a...

A space heater and gasoline...

Today Nick and I ran around town, getting some metal for his 240Z, then around to find a few other supplies that he needed.

Another 240Z for the site?

What? Another 240Z may become part of More information next week…..

Unpacking the new toolbox.

Checkout the video (with a few new dancing moves for entertainment) of the assembly of the new toolbox to try to help me get the garage organized!

Say it isn't so! We've found the piston!

What? Chris actually worked on the 240Z? Impossible! It tis true, it really is. Tonight I got home and decided it was time to tear into the motor, so I...

In search of a piston!

So I finally got into the motor tonight to look for the missing piston.

Time to start

So I think the time has come. I hope to begin work on the 240Z again this week. First step, finish taking apart the blown motor and find the missing...

But wait, there's more... maybe

This just in, there may still be life in the Project240z…. It might get saved from the grasp of Ebay and become just a toy/project/wrench on me when you can... and the car are for sale!

With my recent acquisition I’m going to have to clear out the garage of all of my Datsun parts and cars to make room for a few other vehicles.

Missing Piston Alert!

Can you spot the problem in this photo?

Removing the busted motor

On August 12th 2007 the P240z took it’s maiden autocross voyage, and promptly killed the motor. On 9/30 I removed the motor

The 240Z has life?

So I’m back from Topeka Kansas, I was there for a week attending the SCCA Solo Nationals. It was an interesting week. I didn’t place as high as I would...

A day late, dollar short? LS1?

Well, I was excited when I got up this morning. I thought i was going to go look at a LS1 motor for the 240z… But as of a few...

Parts car,!

I filled out a form this morning on to have the Parts car removed. Hoping that they will call me and schedule it to be picked up on Saturday...

Who needs a steering wheel?

Over the time working on the 240Z we had various problems getting the steering wheel mounted in the car properly. The steering column threads wouldn’t allow the Nut that I...

Bad things oil and antifreeze don't mix

So I’m in the garage working on the 1973 Datsun 240z.

Post Traumatic Stress Analysis

I took the car to it’s first autocross competition and only made it 3/4 of the first run before the motor seized up. This video is of me starting to...

240Z First Autocross Run, Last Autocross run of 2007

So I got up bright and early this morning, well it wasn’t bright, the sun wasn’t up yet. Headed out to Gateway Raceway in Madison Illinois for Event 7 of...

Bye bye motor, thanks for the memories

On the Project240z’s maiden autocross voyage today the motor decide to depart the living world. More to come, but it looks like another winter project may involve and LS1….

Starter update; rcompound tires.

I pulled the starter out of the car last night and will be putting a new one back in the car tonight. Dad and I will also be working on...

Project240Z Audio! New Exhaust

Tonight I told myself I wouldn’t start the car, I would get ready for my trip to Chicago tomorrow (going up there to give two days of DotNetNuke training classes)....

One week after ignition

So it’s been over a week now since I drove the 240Z for the first time. What have I gotten done in that timeframe? Not much!

240Z First Drive!

Thanks to everyone who helped on the car I was able to tow it out to Gateway yesterday for the SCCA Autocross. I didn’t plan to compete the car, but...

The Motor Runs in the Project240z!

It might not idle yet, but the motor runs! This video was taken with my cell phone, sorry for the lack of quality.

Today was a good day!

This morning I woke up with a little hope in my eye, hope that I would make some good progress today.

Trying to start the car

Here’s some video of me trying to start the car tonight. Today was a day of great progress! It was also hot and probably 99% humidity as you will see...

Fuel Rail Fun! She turns, but has no spark

First off, let me say that today was a good day! It didn’t start off that way however. After last night’s fuel rail issues I needed to get the rail...

Wednesday Night Progress on the Datsun 240z

Well, Wednesday night was an eventful night. When I got home from work I jumped under the car and tried to track down my coolant leak. I found small traces...

Fuel, Water and Electricity *bangs head on wall*

Fuel leaks, coolant leaks, and blown fuses. That about sums up the evening…

Tuesday Goal, Start the car

As of right now, the goal for tonight is to attempt to start the car!

Monday Monday Monday Progress!

Today was a good day! Progress was made! First things first, at lunch myself, Henry, and Eric headed down to High Ridge to again to get a cap for...

P240Z Sunday Wiring Starts

Here’s a quick update on the 240. I got up this morning and finished up modifications to the bracket I built for the VR sensor, you can see what it...

Saturday Progress

Eric and I got a bit done today. Mostly learning with the help of Andy Whittle who stopped by to assist with some Megasquirt questions. I also did some soldering...

Another night of progress

Today we made some good progress. Mark helped me at the office today to solder some more wiring for the megasquirt. I’ve still got a LOT more wiring to do,...

The motor resides inside again!

After work last night I got to work on the car. Eric and Russ came over to lend their assistance as well. Russ got started on the leaking wheel cylinder,...

Engine insertion, Take 2

Russ and Eric helped me get things ready and put the motor back in the car last night. The video is LARGE, but fairly entertaining. To watch the video you...

Yet another setback!

Tonight Natalie and I went and looked at a house, it’s got ~5 acres, a 2 stall barn, a hay shed, and an oversized two car garage. That covers the...

Two nights of little progress

Monday night I didn’t get crap done on the project! I started to work on the oil filter/block attachment only to realize after driving around for 2 hours that I...

All in a day's paint

After yesterday’s fun, Eric and I spent some time in the garage today. I was awoken this morning around 8:00am by the doorbell; the Dish Network guy showed up right...

Here little birdy birdy

Well, I got absolutely nothing done on the car today. I did manage to buy a few necessary items, but work on the car was not had.

P240Z Fiberglass work

Tonight I spent some time working with fiberglass in the car. I was hoping to repair a few of the holes in the floorboards.

More interior scrubbing and grinding!

I spent some time this evening working on the interior of the car again. I went through one wire wheel and halfway through another on the passenger side of the...

P240Z A bit done here, a bit done there.

Take 2, stupid internet browsers, I typed this once, I guess that’s what I get for not typing it up in Windows Live Writer instead of in the browser. As...

Project 240z, What's next?

Tasks for the next few days.

Fuel Cell frame construction

This morning I set out into the garage to tackle a fairly large task, at least in my mind. My goal was to build a frame that will secure my...

P240Z Passenger Seat!

Well, after figuring out that the seat mounts I had made earlier in the week wouldn’t fit I went back out to work on the 240Z this morning with a...

If at first you don't succeed

So tonight didn’t go to well. First off, I marked the tabs on the seat mounts for drilling, drilled the holes, (all too close to the edges IMHO) only to...

P240Z passenger seat mount nearly done

I spent another hour or so tonight working on the passenger seat mounts I hope to get some bolts tomorrow and attempt to mount the seat into the car tomorrow...

P240Z fabricating a seat bracket

Tonight was a semi productive night on the 240Z, which is always a good thing when some productivity happens during the week, it’s hard enough being productive on the weekends....

240Z Seat Mount Fabrication

Dave from helped me out today. We started cutting and fabricating new seat mounts for the Project240z, 1973 240Z

P240Z Rollin till the wheels fall off

The 240Z once again stands on its own! Eric and I put the brakes back together on the car, put the wheels on and roll her out into the driveway....

More Fuel Parts Ordered

I just placed another order with Summit Racing dot com today. I ordered the following, which I think will finish up what I need for the fuel system for the...

Datsun Fuel Rail Ordered!

I just got off the phone with and ordered my fuel rail for the Project 240Z. Hopefully it will be here next week. Tomorrow I’ll get on ordering the...

High Definition 240Z Engine Removal

I finally got the video working from my new camera. I installed Windows Vista again last night on my home Machine (after 4 months of running on XP again) and...

A small victory (updated)

With the help of a buddy of mine I was able to get the intake manifold removed from the car, as well as the exhaust manifold and the turbo.

Engine Removal, Video 1 of 2

I got the motor out of the car again yesterday, here’s the video! First half is motor removal, second half is me and Eric working on removing the intake manifold,...

P240z Motor out

I came out to the garage an hour ago. The motor is once again removed from the 240Z. HD video with my new video camera will be posted tonight. More...

Progress is slow, but I do have a new video!

So I spent some time tonight working on trying to remove the intake manifold from the car. Long story short, I didn’t get very far and I’m going to pull...

240Z Intake Manifold Bolts...

I spent tonight removing 3 bolts off the turbo (of 4) and one intake manifold bold, as well as two heat shield bolts and the destruction of another heat shield...

Fun power tools and more 240Z progress

Last night I returned the Vertical sander that I had purchased from Sears that was broken when I removed it from the box. I got a replacement sander and brought...

P240Z update, broken Craftsmen power tools

So this weekend was anything but productive. I ended up not getting a thing done on the car this weekend. I did manage to get the drill press together Saturday...

Trailer Purchased

Well I went out and got myself a trailer today, pics tomorrow. I didn’t get anything else done on the car, though I did get the drill press put together...

What's more expensive?

So I seriously think I have spent more money on tools than I have spent on the car or parts for the car!

Fuel cell arrived, list of things to get done!

Alright, so my fuel cell arrived today! It sure is purty, and big

Fuel Cell Ordered....

Well I ordered the fuel cell for the 240Z today, as well as 20ft of fuel line and AN fittings, as well as a wiring kit for a fuel pump....

Heat gun on a hot night

Tonight after work Eric and I headed to Creve Couer park to do some skating. Kendra met us there to bring Eric socks and skated with us as well. As...

May 29th P240z update

So what’s going on with the 240Z? Not much. I haven’t done any work since last week, though I plan to get some done tonight.

Cutting up the JPipe

I got some work done on the car, I think I figured out one of the biggest holdups I’ve had.

Harley Weekend

Well, tomorrow night I’m hitting the road. Actually a buddy of mine Kevin and I are renting Harleys for Friday night/Saturday. We’ll be heading out tomorrow afternoon towards Chester on...

Does the 240Z need a cage?

Since I’ve decided to change classes, and not bother with most of the interior items, should I go ahead and put a cage in the car? I’ll be going to...

A Project Epiphany

Last night I spent a few hours sitting in the car. I had decided over the weekend I needed to take out all of the interior, or at least most...

240Z Downpipe arrived!

Well today a key component of my project arrived, the downpipe for the Turbo showed up. At first I flipped out thinking it was the wrong downpipe.

First weekend in May, 240Z work!

Dad and I got a bit done on the car this weekend. I’ve created two videos, one from Saturday, one from Sunday.

240Z Throttle Linkage and Bodywork

Dad and I spent some time creating a new throttle linkage as the old one off the parts car wouldn’t fit on this firewall. After that I had to put...

240Z Floorpan work

Dad and I spent today working on repairing the floorpan in the Project 240Z. It was a learning experience as I haven’t really welded before, just a little practice here...

240Z Corbeau Seats came in

The seats I ordered earlier this week came in today! They look awesome, though they are now in the basement still in the shipping box. I’m not about to put...

Cleaning up the passenger floorboard

I spent some time this evening cleaning up the passenger floorboard. I have a LOT of welding to do there! I’m going to do some more practicing tomorrow.

Mark stops by with a welder

Some of you have kept up with my blog posts, first Scott got on me about using Bondo on the Project 240z, so he said to have someone come over...

Project 240Z Rally Bug Welder Arrives

Mark from The Rally Bug ( stopped by tonight and dropped off his welder for me to borrow for a week. He was also kind enough to give me some...

Cleaning up the Passenger Floor

I spent about an hour tonight working on the passenger floorboard of the 240Z. It’s got a bit of rust, to say the least.

Seats ordered

I ordered a pair of Corbeau A4s from today. Hopefully there here over the next few days! In the videos I posted the other day you can see me...

P240Z two new videos

I’ve posted two new videos for the 240Z. Yesterday I spent some time finishing up the work bench and organizing the garage a bit.

Project 240Z Brakes and Unecessary items

Russ helped me yesterday afternoon and last night with quite a few things on the car. We removed all of the brakes so I can get those turned. Then we...

New Toolbench Setup

Saturday I spent a few hours fixing up the garage. I got the new toolbox together, and some other items organized. I also filled the trashcan, I guess it’s time...

My Motivation

I was digging through some old photos tonight looking for photos of Jeff Krekeler, when I ran across this photo I took back in June of 2004.

Gas Tank update, seat fitting this weekend, harbor freight sucks

I ended up not getting another gas tank this past weekend. I had planned on picking one up in Hillsboro but the guy ended up sounding way too sketchy for...

Brakes bled

Dad and I spent a few hours this evening working on the brakes on the 240Z. You have to be able to stop before you even start on the motor...

P240z Time to start again

Tonight I begin working on the 240Z again. It’s been quite a while since I’ve worked on it, 3 weeks or so, due to work and school and of course,...

Project 240Z status?

Current status: On hold

Fuel Cell time

I took the gas tank out of the 240Z down to Manchester Radiator on Wednesday. They called me on Thursday to tell me that the tank was in a sad...

Monday night update

After heading to class this evening I headed off to Sears to pickup a few things for the garage. I picked up a shop vac to assist in cleaning out...

Bondo cleanup and Gas tank removal

I sanded the area that I bondo’d yesterday on the 240Z. I also then cleaned and sprayed it with primer. Now the Project 240Z officially consists of 6, count them...

End of March, 15 days left

So Dad and I have been working on the car pretty much all day, and last night as well.

Bondo and Gas Tank Removal

I sanded the area that I bondo’d yesterday on the 240Z. I also then cleaned and sprayed it with primer. Now the Project 240Z officially consists of 6, count them...

P240Z Pulleys a pullin

Well we overcame the the brake booster issues from last night. Dad got the Brakeline hooked up to the MC, and we got the booster installed in the firewall and...

Another night of wrenching on the car

Dad and I spent a few hours working on the 240z this evening. We got the clutch pedal in, and even got as far as putting the Clutch Master Cylinder...

The motor is in the Project 240z!

Look out Jeffs, the motor is in the Project 240z! Dad and I spent all day today working on the car, and I even swung by one of Jeef’s old...

Junk Yard Saturday

Today, well yesterday now, it’s 1am, Dad and I went to Speedway salvage over in Madison Illinois. 3-4 hours later we walked out of there with $120 worth of parts...

Dressed in black

Well the engine bay of the Project 240Z has a nice coat of black paint. I’ll be touching up a few areas tomorrow, as well as doing the following.

Megasquirt has been ordered

Even though I’m out in Mormanville I’ve been hard at work at least thinking about the Project 240z! With the guidance of Mr. Whittle I’ve ordered over $700 in equipment...

Engine bay cleanup day video

I spent a few hours tooling around the garage today, mostly inside of the engine bay. I tried to clean up old paint and rust so that I can go...

240Z Engine Bay Cleanup

I spent a few hours on Sunday the 18th of March cleaning up the engine bay of my 1973 240Z. Photos

I created a photos page last week, and didn’t put any up there! Now they’re pulling from the Flickr Group and posting on the Photos page for all...

240Z, the Journey home

So this morning I got up and finished up what I could get done on the project car, a 1978 280Z 2+2, courtesy of our very own Lynn Wilson, Thanks...

The 240Z is home again

The 240Z is finally home. The parts car is gone, news at 11.

Parts car is almost gone

Today I spent some time trying to get the parts car all finished up. I removed a lot of the rear interior with hopes that some of it will work...

Anyone dealt with the Z Store before?

I emailed the Z Store on Tuesday, and haven’t heard back from them. I’m looking at their MSA Type III body kit for the Project 240z. Anyone ever dealt with...

Good news on the Project front!

Today I spent a short time working on the parts car, working on removing the interior. You can check out the video here. Notice the flannel pants, and sweatshirt. I...

Parts car interior removal, day 1

I spent some time today, though not too long, removing interior items from the 280Z today.

Cleaning out the 350Z Parts

It was time to get rid of all the parts I still have taking up space in the garage from the 350z! They’re all on ebay (were, ebay links no...

Parts Car Engine Removal Day 1

Spent today disconnecting things from the motor so I can get the motor and transmission pulled out tomorrow. Also removed some of the front end body work I need to...

Project 240Z Day 2 of Parts Car Motor Pull

Thanks to Terec for coming over today and helping me get the motor pulled out of the 78 280Z 2+2 parts car today!

Draining the fluids in the parts car, 2-23-07

I spent a bit of time this evening working on the 280Z. Here’s the video!

Project 240Z Day 1 of Parts Car Motor Pull 2-24

Spent today disconnecting things from the motor so I can get the motor and transmission pulled out tomorrow. Also removed some of the front end body work I need to...

Parts Car draining the fluids 2-23

In prepping the parts car for engine and transmission removal I needed to drain fluids!

You're invited this weekend. Good luck at the 100 Acre Wood

Alright, this coming weekend is the time. I’m going to pull the motor out of the parts car this weekend, as well as the transmission, and any other parts I...

February 17th, Garage Cleanup/Organization

I spent a few hours on the 17th getting the garage cleaned up so that I can begin pulling the motor out of the parts car. I hope to begin...

New Garage Organization 2-17

Video of me working organizing the new garage.

No work done this weekend!

Well, as usual I didn’t get to touch the Datsuns at all this weekend. Hopefully this week I’ll be able to get started back up in the garage. It was...

Pulling the motor out of the Project 240z

In this video you’ll see my pulling the 240z motor out of the car. Notice, the front end of the car dropping, I needed that to happen, just not on...

Website Update

I’ve quickly thrown a “skin” together for the website. Hope to get some more useful information up later this week.

Created a Videos Section

I’ve gone ahead and created a videos section of the Project240z website. As I create videos I’ll get them posted here. I also plan on posting all the videos of...

Project 240Z site begins

Welcome to the new We’ve thrown the software up, and quickly added a blog. In the coming days we’ll reskin the site and get more content posted.