350Z Autocross Car Setup

Running in BS (B-Stock) for three years I learned a lot about the 350Z and the setup for the car. While I don't currently still have that car, I will go ahead and create a post about the setup of the car for BS.

Car: 2003 Nissan 350Z Enthusiast

Options: Aluminum Door plates

Wheels: Enkie RP-F1

Tires: Hoosier Autocross tires

Shocks: Koni Double-adjustable sport shocks (from Nissan Motorsport)

Configuration: Empty fuel tank, spare tire and all carpet removed from rear

Weight: ~3075lbs.

Alignment: Camber FL -0.7degrees FR -1.2degrees RL -2.0degrees RR -2.0degrees

Toe FL -.08degrees FR -.10degrees RL -0.01degrees RR 0.03degrees

Some of these values might be off, it has been three years since I owned the car ;) I'm working on trying to get all my old information together about the car.

About the Author:

Chris Hammond
Chris Hammond has autocrossed for 24 years, racing in a variety of vehicles from a 1994 VW Golf to a 1999 Z-28, a 2003 350z, a 2004 ZO6 and a 2016 FRS. He is the founder of AutocrossBlog.com and created the ultimate autocross forum, SOLO2.ORG, years ago . Read more at ChrisHammond.com


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