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Explore autocross insights with Chris Hammond's 24+ years of experience. Get tips, event recaps, and SCCA schedule updates on my Autocross Blog.

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Working on the 240Z on a weeknight?

I can’t say I’ve really put any effort into the Datsun on a weeknight in probably the past 20-22 months, tonight I spent a couple of hours in the garage...

Ahhhh the engine is in place again!

A HUGE thanks to Terec for coming over today and helping me with the car. We spent a couple hours this morning and were able to get the engine and...

Final Prep for Engine Installation

So I had hoped to get the engine installed into the car today but got sidetracked trying to get a final few items finished up before doing so.

Getting the engine ready to put back in the car

So I spent most of the day today in the garage, the first time I’ve done that in probably 20 months, it was nice! Thanks to Dave for coming over...

Removing the tail lights

After class tonight I spent 30 minutes working on the Datsun. I removed the taillights, which I’d not done before. I was pleasantly surprised as I didn’t find any rust.Here...

Cleaning off the car and workbench, working on throttle body

Spent an hour or two yesterday, working in the garage. Cleaned off the hood of the car, which was buried. After that I spent some time cleaning off the workbench,...

Prepping for reassembly

So I had “lost” some bolts for the intake, I found them last week. Today I think I figured out I hadn’t lost them, I just didn’t realize they were...

Site Redesign

So I should have been working on the book tonight, and I did get some done, but I took the evening to finally reskin www.project240z.com.