· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
350z at the Wilmington Summer and Blytheville ProSolo
Explore the ups and downs of the 2016 ProSolo series, experiences with the 350Z car, and anticipation for the upcoming finale and SoloNationals.

So the 2016 ProSolo series is nearing its end, with the final two events of the year being held within 6 hours of the house, I entered both. The Wilmington event turned out to be another disappointing one for me, not because of the location or people, but simply due to my lack of ability to drive this car lately.
I ended up disconnecting the rear sway bar after the Saturday morning runs, that made a world of difference on the car. I was finally able to control the car without constant fear of the back end breaking free on me. That being said, the back end did plenty of braking free all weekend, mainly through the finish!
I didn’t end up getting the times I needed to in the car, finished somewhere 5th or 6th place, not even worth remembering!
The Blytheville ProSolo went just about the same, though because there were only 2 of us in the class, and the other guy’s car broke, I took home 20 points for the event in STU. I didn’t fair well in the bump class however, so there was no challenge for me.
Off to the ProSolo Finale here coming up in 2 weeks, then SoloNationals, hoping that I can fair better there than I have all year. There’s also one local event coming up as well, perhaps that event will be the season’s turning point!
Stay tuned for a new look on the 350z in the next few days.