Nismo Cold Air Intake for a 350z

So when the Project350z was purchased in Colorado back in January it had a Nismo Cold Air Intake on it. Shortly thereafter I moved to California, and guess what? The Nismo isn’t CARB legal, which means it isn’t legal for use in the State of California, so off the intake came.

And there it sat. and sat. and sat some more. Until today, I finally decided to pull it out of the box and put it up on Ebay. So there it is, sitting on Ebay, have at it!

About the Author:

Chris Hammond
Chris Hammond has autocrossed for 24 years, racing in a variety of vehicles from a 1994 VW Golf to a 1999 Z-28, a 2003 350z, a 2004 ZO6 and a 2016 FRS. He is the founder of and created the ultimate autocross forum, SOLO2.ORG, years ago . Read more at


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